Front Page New’s Feature Thanks to my Business Foundation

Who would of ever thought by me having my business foundation in order it would lead me to the front page of the CT POST.


Tuesday morning I'm checking my emails like normal and I see an email from a journalist requesting to do a story on my business. He found me through my website and was intrigued by my story and offerings and wanted to learn more. I was honored and jumped at the opportunity. I assumed I would be featured in an online news forum, which I was stoked about. We set up to meet two days later to do the interview and it went extremely well.

Fast forward to Sunday morning I get a message from a former colleague like “Hey I was at a gas station and I think Isee you on the front page of the paper” I'm like say what ? He sends me the proof. Long behold it was your girl on the front page. Like wow!! This was nothing but God.

I always wanted to do press, and spread the word more about my offerings because I knew it was valuable and the clients I worked with have seen results. But running a business you find your time can be easily consumed, so I haven't put much effort into online media besides my social accounts.

I would say this opportunity fell in my lap, but did it really? If I didn't spend the time practicing what I preach i.e. making sure ,my business was structured properly and that I had an online presence besides social media I doubt it would be possible.

On Sunday February 27, 2022  I made the front page of the paper all by being clear on who I serve, working with who is in front of me, and practicing what I preach.




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